Keynote Speakers
Angie Hobbs (Sheffield) 'Socrates, Eros, and Magic'.
Luc Foisneau (EHESS, Paris) 'Hobbes on Democracy and Majority Rule'
Dina Emundts (Freie Universität zu Berlin) 'Causality and Freedom in the Third Antinomy of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason'
Full Program available here
Abstracts available here
Jeremy Dunham
Mogens Laerke
Angie Hobbs (Sheffield) 'Socrates, Eros, and Magic'.
Luc Foisneau (EHESS, Paris) 'Hobbes on Democracy and Majority Rule'
Dina Emundts (Freie Universität zu Berlin) 'Causality and Freedom in the Third Antinomy of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason'
Full Program available here
Abstracts available here
Jeremy Dunham
Mogens Laerke